4 Nest Segment Head, Part Separator
size | 150 | 150 |
PeeWee Model P15 CNC Thread Rolling Machine
Forming force: 10-150 Kn
Feed of the slide: 0,5 - .23"/sec.
Pitch to be rolled: Max .31"
Shaft rotation: 20 - 80 rpm.
Support length: .03"
Cylinder stroke: 0 -.39"
Shaft diam: 2.12"
Roll width: 6.29"
Work piece diameter: .19 - 1.96"
Equipped with:
Part Separator
Segment Head (Four Nests)
Unloading OK/NOK/Sorting Gate
Straight Vibrating
Unloading Line, AC Servo Drive for E-Pitch
Measuring of Linear Movement of one tool
Work Piece Fixture
Guide Support Tapping Fixture
Burnishing Tolls in PW 3000