FERMAT WFT 13 CNC Table Type HBM 5.1" spindle; FANUC 31iB. In stock OHIO. 40 ATC, 1,000 PSI Coolant
Can be equipped with Linear scales & Reinshaw RMP 60 Probe. The most popular FERMAT table-type horizontal boring mill, for high-performance machining with maximum utilization of accessories and automatic milling heads for efficient machining of workpieces of up to 20 tons.
• Spindle diameter 130 mm or 110 mm; spindle travel 800 mm.
• Optional ram stroke 700 mm.
• Powerful and precise milling, coordinate drilling, boring, and threading.
• Extremely versatile series of table-type horizontal boring mills, fully compatible with a wide range of accessories and automatic milling heads.
Spindle Size | 5.1" | 129.54 mm |
X-Horiz Tvl of Table | 118.1" | 2,999.7 mm |
Y-Vert Tvl of Head | 78.8" | 2,001.5 mm |
Power | 50 hp | 37.3 kW |
RPM | 3,400 RPM | 3,400 RPM |
Table-W | 70.9" | 1,800.9 mm |
Table-L | 86.61" | 2,199.9 mm |
Spindle Tvl. | 31.5" | 800.1 mm |
Control | CNC (FANUC 31iB) | CNC (FANUC 31iB) |
Dimensions | 354.3"L x 377.9"W x 210.6"H | 354.3"L x 377.9"W x 210.6"H |
Weight | 107,000 lbs | 107,000 lbs |
Diameter of Spindle | in 130 | 5.1"
Taper of Spindle ISO50 / SK 50
Max. Spindle Speed rpm 3,000
Main Power FANUC CNC (S1/S3) kW | hp 37 / 45; 53 / 62 | 49.6 / 60.3; 71 / 104.4
Max. Torque FANUC CNC (S1/S3) Nm 2362 / 2873; 2713 / 3989
X Cross Travel of Table | in 157.4 /
Y Vertical Travel of Headstock in 98.4
Z Longitudinal Travel of Column | in | 59
W Spindle Travel | in 800 | 31.5
V Ram Travel | in x 700 | 27.5
Rapid Feed X, Y in/min 590.5, 472.4
Rapid Feed Z, W, V [n/min 334.6, 393.7, 472.4
Rapid Feed B rpm 2 (optionally 5)
Max. Table Load | lb 44092
Table Size in 78.7 x 86.6
* A large number of accessories are available.
WFT 13 Table Type HBM
Linear Heidenhain Scales: X/Y/Z Axes
Spindle Support Sleeve 250 mm
Probe: Reinishaw RMP 60 Part Probe System
Automatic Tool Changer: 40 Tools
Coolant Through Spindle: 20 bar High Pressure Unit
Outside Coolant System: 6 bar low pressure
Chip Conveyor Belt Type including level switch and return Filtration Pump
Auto Lube System for Slide Box Ways
Air-Conditioned Electric Cabinet
Preparation for Manual Heads
Most popular FERMAT table-type horizontal boring mill, for
high-performance machining with maximum utilization of accessories
and automatic milling heads for efficient machining of
workpieces of up to 20 tons | 44093 lbs.
• Spindle diameter 130 mm | 5.1 in or 110 mm | 4.3 in; spindle travel
800 mm | 31.5 in.
• Optional ram stroke 700 mm | 27.6 in.
• Powerful and precise milling, coordinate drilling, boring, and threading.
• Extremely versatile series of table-type horizontal boring mills, fully
compatible with a wide range of accessories and automatic milling