Midbrook Hurricane Pass Thru Parts Washer Stainless Steel (2) Stage Wash, Blow-Off
This used parts washer is price to sell.
Midbrook Hurricane Pass Thru Parts Washer Stainless Steel (2) Stage Wash, Blow-Off
Model# 5012 W/BO/D
S/N 44377
Manufactured 2001
Hours 65,146
Well maintained, just removed from service.
Parts Opening 11.5” W *** Interior Width 5.5” x 7” Part Height
Interior Wid
Conveyor Speed is 1-4’ PER Minute
Wash Temperature 145 Deg. F. 1 Hour Heat up time
Equipped with:
Wash with 240 Gallon Tank
Wash/ Blow Off Cycles
Stainless Steel Construction
Regenerative Blower for Blow-Off StageTable Drive
Easy Access to each stage with removable doors
Removable Debris Baskets per each tank
Oil Coalscer
480 Volt 3 Phase