The Uni-Hydro Model 2574 Plate Shear is a compact powerhouse that provides our customers with decades of trouble free metal cutting operation. This plate shear is engineered to deliver increasing power throughout the cut with a patented system that utilizes a cylinder that is center mounted on the blade and uses pivot arms to transfer energy to three pressure points. The result is up to a 115% performance gain as the cut finishes. No other competitors shear matches this performance!
Another hallmark of these plate shears of the simplicity of adjustments, a fixed low rake design, quiet hydraulic operation and simple measuring systems for operator productivity.
- Single cylinder design
- Cylinder is center mounted on the blade and uses pivot arms to transfer energy to three pressure points
-Independent hydraulic hold-down
- 36” Front operated manual back gauge, 24” squaring arm
- Excellent visibility of cut
- Electric Controls including foot switch
- Even distribution of energy across the blade avoids “flexing” of the blade
- No adjustment of blade gap when switching from thin to thick material
- Fixed Low Rake Blade
- Built for forklift handling or lifting with overhead eyelet’s
Max Thickness | 0.25" | 6.35 mm |
Length of Blade | 74" | 1.9 m |
Hyd/Mech | Hyd | Hyd |
Power | 7.5 hp | 5.6 kW |