Burn Table
Manufacturer: Lincoln Electric (Torchmate)
Model: Torchmate X Table w/ Legacy Controls
Machine Age (circa): 2010 (requires confirmation)
Electrics: 220 Volt, 3 Phase, 60 Cycle
Features and Specifications:
...Legacy CNC Controls
...Table: Torchmate X
...Nominal Table Size: 10' x 20'
...One (1) Oxy-Fuel Torch, one (1) Plasma Torch
...Table: Wet or Dry Processing
...Floor to Table: 38"
...Power Supply: Thermal Dynamics
.....Model: Thermal Arc Pak 8XR Plasma Cutting System
.....High Definition Plasma
Overall Equipment Dimensions (as measured): 245" x 132" x 61"
Overall Equipment Weight (approx.): 5,500 lbs.
Specifications taken from 1st-hand inspection, owner interview, and OEM research. While specifications are assumed accurate, confirmation by purchasing entity is always recommended. Price, location, and specifications subject to change.
Functionality Notes:
Machine was purchased by current owner from original owner in Tri-Cities, Washington State. Present owner has owned machine for 3 years and has cut with it approximately 40 hours; the machine has received little use due to difficulty finding experienced operators. Machine comes with some manuals and discs (see attached pictures).
Unit has (1) oxy-fuel torch and (1) plasma. According to tech at Torchmate, after reviewing pictures, the power supply has high definition option for plasma torch. However, controls are obsolete and no longer made. Likewise, replacement parts are no long manufactured. If controls fail, owner will be forced to invest in $10K - $15K upgrade. Torchmate is currently upgrading these older Legacy systems with new software and Accumove 3 Gantry Kit. The Torchmate tech told me that this model table, Torchmate X, is a "tank" with long life and excellent results for burning plate.
The unit is connected, under power, and available for inspection. If a potential buyer wants to inspect machine, it is best if they bring an experienced operator with them who can run the machine. MD Equipment Services may be able to provide local talent but cannot guarantee.
EQUIPMENT LOCATION: Central Oregon (Bend, Redmond Metro Areas)
Equipment is under power; available for inspection.
Seller agrees to load machine onto Buyer's transportation.
Buyer responsible for freight logistics and expenses.
Contact MD Equipment Services LLC to schedule inspection or arrange purchase details.