WRF Heavy is FERMAT’s titan, monster-size floor-type horizontal boring mill. Its sturdy headstock is built between two columns for maximum stability.
Spindle diameter 160 mm, spindle extension of 1 meter
Ram stroke of 1.5 or 1.6 meters
4 servo motors and 4 rack and pinions are used for swift and smooth precise movement along Y axis
Equipped with floor plates and/or rotary tables that can hold up to 100 metric tons
Ideal for oversize workpieces
Spindle Size | 6.2992" | 160 mm |
X-Horiz Tvl of Col | 1,106.3" | 28,100 mm |
Y-Vert Tvl of Head | 393.7" | 10,000 mm |
Power | 91 hp | 67.9 kW |
RPM | 2,500 RPM | 2,500 RPM |
Z-Spdl Tvl | 62.992" | 1,600 mm |
W-axis Spindle Travel mm 1000
Rapid Feed X, Y mm/min. 20000, 15000
Rapid Feed Z, W mm/min. 15000, 10000