Ductformer’s AUTOBRAKE DB-60 (72) is a Fully Automatic Wrap Brake System that receives a part and bends either Full Wrap Duct or L-Sections. The DB-60 (72) can be installed in any manufacturers Duct Coil Line providing Duct Fabricators the opportunity to upgrade and modernize existing Lines. The AUTOBRAKE DB-60 (72) incorporates the latest technology offered by name brand industrial component manufacturers including: PLC technology using Compact Flash Memory Backup, color Touch Screen Operator Interface Controls, brushless AC Vector Motion Control Drives for the part feeding, and a pressure compensated Hydraulic System.
Simple color Touch Screen controls
Part Data entry in seconds
Fully functional independent self contained control system integrates into any existing Line
Remote or machine mounted Control Console options
AC Vector Motion Control Drives that are powerful and maintenance free
Max. Blank Length 125”
Min. Blank Length 12”
60” (DB-60) or 72” (DB-72) MAX Width
Min. L-Shape Section 4 x 8
Min. Wrap 6” x 6”
Widths 44″-56″-68” TDFC 48”-60”-72” Slip & Drive
Cycle Time – 30 Seconds Full Wrap Duct