5’ X 10’ 15KW Fiber Laser with Beckhoff TwinCat CNC Control, IPG Resonator EVA Cutting Head, Automatic Pallet Changer, Linear Drive Motor on All Axes, Optional Drop & Cut, Mix Line, Chiller Unit and Dust Collector.
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Laser Output: 15,000 WattsX - Axis Working Range: 120”Y - Axis Working Range: 60”Max Speeds Parallel (X/Y/Z): 9,842 IPMMax Speeds Simultaneous: 13,779 IPMMax Mild Steel Thickness: 2.36”Max Stainless Steel Thickness: 2.36”Max Aluminum Thickness: 1.96”Beam On Hours: 1,600INCLUDES: Beckhoff TwinCat CNC Control, IPG Resonator EVA Cutting Head, Automatic Pallet Changer, Linear Drive Motor on All Axes, Optional Drop & Cut, Mix Line, Chiller Unit and Dust Collector.